"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral or spiritual crisis, proclaim their neutrality." Said by John F. Kennedy in an attempt to quote Dante, neither of which are we probably excited to duplicate in speech or theology. While I certainly don't want to get into the potential levels in Hell, I do think that we need to never be neutral in crises where there is a clear and definite side taken by Scripture.
David Wooten did a wonderful job in his poem about life. I am not sure why some in the political realm choose to ignore the obvious truth that life exists prior to birth. When we can have babies successfully survive when "born" after 3-4 months gestational period, it becomes difficult to argue in the alternative. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; and before you were born, I consecrated you.”
While we should all be committed to defending the unborn, it isn't often that we get to make a tangible decision to help. My family gets to make such a decision tomorrow (Saturday, March 24), as we walk for life. My church, Orlando Grace Church, will be walking behind a banner displayed at church this last Sunday, as we show our support.
Many of you are firmly convinced of the correctness of a Pro-Life stance, but you are not sure of the benefits of a crisis pregnancy center. Well, the aforementioned crisis is often the position a pregnant woman is in. We live in a society, where parents can win court cases because they were advised against killing their child.
Clearly, there is something wrong with this picture, and people who find themselves in this crisis situation, can use support and outfits like these are invaluable. If you want to learn more about what a crisis pregnancy center can do, you can attend a "baby" shower this coming Thursday, where you will participate in typical shower games, learn about the benefits, and give gifts to help support the crisis pregnancy center. Usually only women attend the showers (though men interested in learning can find another conduit for that also).
If you want to support the walk monetarily or attend the shower, feel free to contact me. Above all we desire your prayers for our country, the issue of abortion, and the mothers and families in crisis. May we never be described as people who, in times of crisis, proclaim our neutrality.
You know, I always find it interesting that in the discussions that I hear about abortion, the idea of whether or not there is life in the womb never seems to be addressed... it seems to me to have become an issue of value; we value the life of the mother more. And that is bizarre to me.