Growing up, I always thought that I was a terrible writer. I think much of our esteem as children is based purely on comparative means. I grew up with one sister and I always felt that I was not as good of a writer as she was. This was confirmed by teachers comments about our writing. Of course, this could be because Jenni is quite possibly the best writer on the planet.
There was a time when I began to think I might be decent. I won a writing contest in 4th grade. I began to develop a little pride, when my father and Stuart informed me that noone else entered and that much of my writing was crazy. I specifically remember a sentence I wrote that said, "The Master's Academy is far and away the best school I've ever been to." Obviously, as a ten year old, that isn't saying a whole lot.
Then when I graduated from graduate school, I got a job as the Curriculum Coordinator of Belhaven College. Then, I left there and became a writing consultant on several books for Kambuck Resources. And it hit me last night, as I was writing a review of a movie that three people will read, I actually kind of like writing.
Before you get bored with my writing of how I'm not a good writer, I guess it might be important to assert that many things are different than I thought. For example, after my senior year of high school, I never thought I would see a Bible Quiz again. And now, I travel the countryside doing events, while also assisting in local leagues.
I could list many other things, as several things are different than I thought they would be. This is something about which I am frequently in awe. As well as I think I know myself, it seems as if my prayers and pleas are frequently over-ridden and improved by God. Therefore, I find myself often thanking God for these "unanswered prayers"!
Ha ha!! I'm reading out of order, I know, but I caught this link from my blog, and it made me laugh several times. Really well written. I should take lessons.